Kotobukiya My Little Pony Bishoujo Princess Luna and Princess Celestia Sculpts

Back in August we learned that the line of My Little Pony Bishoujo statues would not end with the mane 6 and Sunset Shimmer, but that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia were going to be added. Now, just before the end of the year, Kotobukiya reveals the final (unpainted) sculpt design for both of the human versions. They also show the final human + pony version of Princess Luna separately, and we expect them to share the pony design of Princess Celestia soon.

As we usually see with the new figures, is that their sculpt barely differs from the original sketches, but it's certainly nice to see how the light falls with these two on the actual figures. Especially the effort that has been put into making the dresses flow, and all strands of hair looks amazing. We hope to be able to share the colored version of both of them soon! And when the sculpt of the Princess Celestia pony figure is released, we'll add her to this post.

If you're still looking for some of the previously announced Kotobukiya figures, know that many of them are available on Amazon and that the Sunset Shimmer pre-order is still available on Entertainment Earth. And if you want a way to keep track of your collection, make sure to check our Kotobukiya page in the MLP Merch Database.

Kotobukiya My Little Pony Bishoujo Princess Luna Sculpt


  1. Annalise Gomez SéldanaDecember 25, 2020 10:38 AM

    So these new figures have been making rounds across the internet and on social media but I haven't seen you guys post about them yet. I figured you were just out of the loop and hadn't heard yet so here's an image https://derpibooru.org/images/2515000

  2. I'd pay hundreds for Luna, they all look gorgeous!!!

  3. I love them! I might try sculpting something like that
