Know Idea & Sega Toys Announce Acrylic Character Stands in Japan

There has been quite a unique announcement in Japan this week on JapanPonyCon by Know Idea, who we never heard of before. With their distribution partner Sega Toys (who are licensed by Hasbro) they're planning on releasing three Equestria Girls Friends Forever acrylic character stands, based on the original concept artwork of Rita Lux.

If the artworks looks familiar, you're absolutely right, simailar concept drawings have been used on the packaging of the Equestria Girls reboot series, as well as some Fashion Squad figures.

In total three acrylic stands will be released: Applejack & Fluttershy, Rarity & Sunset and finally a display with Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. The exact size is not mentioned in the announcement, but by the looks of it I estimate about 6-7".

Each stand can be ordered individually, but when bought together you can a free backdrop with it. Pre-orders can be placed at their Booth storefront, where individual figures are 1980 yen ($19) and the set is 5940 yen ($57). The expected release date is February 22nd, 2021. While they only ship to Japan direct, Booth offers international shipping through the Buyee service.

Thanks to Stinken1 for the heads-up and help in translation!

Know Idea & Sega Toys Announce Acrylic Character Stands in Japan

Know Idea & Sega Toys Announce Acrylic Character Stands in Japan

Know Idea & Sega Toys Announce Acrylic Character Stands in Japan

Know Idea & Sega Toys Announce Acrylic Character Stands in Japan


  1. Don't suppose these are still available somewhere...

    Made the fatal mistake of thinking these would be on normal sale and completely missing the pre-order thing. I made an explicit mental note to come check back by this time last year, and now they're gone. I want to die.

    1. To be fair, a lot of these types of acrylic character stands can be found on Etsy. Although not 'official' ones, they tend to still be high quality in my experience

