Store Finds: 35th Anniversary Blu-Ray, 3-Inch EqG Minis & More
It's a US-only store finds post this week! Though, we got stuff from Target, Dollar Tree, Meijer & Farm and Fleet, so it's still a bit of variety to go through. The finds themselves also differ quite a bit, with a look at the 35th anniversary Blu-ray, 3-inch EqG Mini figures and more.
If you happen to find brand new stuff in your local store, then feel free to write us a small message with photos.

US - MLP The Movie 35th Anniversary Edition Blu-Ray

Back at the SDCC in July of this year we got a glimpse of a new upcoming My Little Pony Blu-ray with both the 1986 & 2017 MLP movies. This is the first Blu-ray release of the original 1986 movie, which has been upscaled to 1080p. The bundled movies are now available for $19.99 at Target stores, as well as online.
(Thanks to Victor)

US - 3-Inch Equestria Girls Minis at Dollar Tree

These 3-inch (or sometimes called 'vinyl') Equestria Girls Minis were originally announced back in January, with a first release in Singapore around March and the first store finds in the US back in June. These haven't been seen much in stores, but as of this week they popped up again! At Dollar Tree this time, where they are just $1 each. On the photo we just see Twilight Sparkle, but we had reports of other characters being found too. So, if you're still looking for these: check out Dollar Tree!
(Thanks to Samantha)

US - Re-Released Princess Celestia Styling Size at Meijer + More

Over at Meijer you can now get a new series of re-released Styling Size ponies, including Princess Celestia, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash & Pinkie Pie. These figures have been released several times over, usually without any changes apart from the box. However, this time the Princess Celestia figure was slightly updated with the removal of her necklace, which was used to be printed on.
Also shown below is the refreshed aisle at Meijer, where we see mainly known stuff, but if you're still missing anything shown, Meijer could be an option for you.
(Thanks to Rana)

US - My Little Pony at Blain's Farm and Fleet

While not really known for their toy department, Farm and Fleet added several My Little Pony toys to their shelves, presumably for the holiday season. It's quite a selection of figures and random merch, so please see the photos above and below to see what's all available.
(Thanks to Rana)


  1. The 3" EqG have been around here since June, rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Twilight are the only ones in this line.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I in my country "Colombia", I found the minis of 3 inches (Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity), and I have them in my collection, and two of the new figures pony blind bags mlp of Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Farm and Fleet? or do you mean Fleetfarm?

    1. Farm and Fleet have a region while Fleet Farm has a different region of the country, though they are one and the same in style of store.

  6. I'm impressed to see a combination of the new movie with the old one! Good on Hasbro to show some respect for the gen that started it all. Fans who've been around since the beginning will certainly appreciate this version of the movie! I know I do!

