Scootaloo had the spotlight two weeks ago for being the first filly that was released after the reboot series started in 2017, and she had her cutie mark! Of course Scootaloo is never alone, so it was only a matter of patience before the complete Cutie Mark Crusaders trio would show up.
And that turned out to be today, as on eBay a listing has been posted featuring the complete CMC, all with their School of Friendship Outfit and cutie marks.
While the outfits and shoes are all the same, every one of them has a different pose: Scootaloo has an open mouth, Sweetie Belle a closed one and Apple Bloom has a raised hoof.
We don't have any further information on the release of the crusaders, but expect them to be bundled into a 3-pack that will be available towards the summer.
Complete CMC in School of Friendship Outfits Spotted
Monday, April 30, 2018
9:41 PM
apple bloom
coming soon
school of friendship
sweetie belle
1 comment
Store Finds: Cutie Mark Crew, EqG Minis Vinyl + More
Thursday, April 26, 2018
8:10 PM
blind bag
cutie mark crew
equestria girls
equestria girls minis
my little pony the movie
now available
store find
Today we have a quick but very interesting store finds update! We see the release of long awaited items such as the Pirate series at Walmart, Cutie Mark Crew figures and the vinyl EqG Minis figures. Enjoy!
If you happen to find brand new stuff in your local store, then feel free to write us a small message with photos.
If you happen to find brand new stuff in your local store, then feel free to write us a small message with photos.
12 Inch Princess Cadance Plush Listed on Amazon + Photo
The new princess plush line, which included Princess Celestia and Princess Luna so far, has been out for a while and we not got confirmation that Princess Cadance is on her way to join the party! She was originally seen at the 2018 NY Toy Fair, but Amazon has now updated their listing with a much better photo.
Just like the follow princesses, this plush is 12" tall and part of the Large Soft Plush line. The plush isn't just one solid piece, but features decorated wings, her necklace and crown, as well as a brushable hair and mane. Expect her retail price to start around $21 once she becomes available, though we do not know the exact date for that yet.
Just like the follow princesses, this plush is 12" tall and part of the Large Soft Plush line. The plush isn't just one solid piece, but features decorated wings, her necklace and crown, as well as a brushable hair and mane. Expect her retail price to start around $21 once she becomes available, though we do not know the exact date for that yet.
MLP Merch Poll #172 & #171 Results - Mane 6
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
7:23 PM
pinkie pie
rainbow dash
twilight sparkle
1 comment
Last week we asked you about your thoughts on the new Scootaloo design, which is the first filly-mold figure since the reboot series. The result is incredible positive: 62% loves the combination, and another 18% likes the mold, but would like to see it on another pony. This leaves a relatively small 20% that does not like the reboot design for fillies.
Second Wave 35th Anniversary Ponies Listed on Amazon UK
Monday, April 23, 2018
6:32 PM
35th anniversary
basic fun
coming soon
After a little set back about the release date being pushed to July there seems to be a sparkle of light on the release of the second 35th Anniversary G1 ponies wave: Right now the UK Amazon website lists all single releases, including high quality images, and Moonstone is even available for £25.97 in very limited stock! Meanwhile on the French Amazon the listings are priced at €13.99 and marked as 'coming in 3-5 weeks', which would indicate a release much earlier than July.
One thing that is still missing from the line-up, is the Pretty Parlor Playset that was originally announced. Various sources have already shared with us that this set is probably cancelled and will not be available in the second wave. Yet, the set has been spotted on the 2018 NY Toy Fair, so it could simply have been delayed instead of cancelled.
Below we have all listings from Amazon UK and FR, as well as the amazingly detailed photos.
One thing that is still missing from the line-up, is the Pretty Parlor Playset that was originally announced. Various sources have already shared with us that this set is probably cancelled and will not be available in the second wave. Yet, the set has been spotted on the 2018 NY Toy Fair, so it could simply have been delayed instead of cancelled.
Below we have all listings from Amazon UK and FR, as well as the amazingly detailed photos.
MLP Merch Poll #171 & #170 Results - Reboot Scootaloo
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
5:43 PM
reboot series
Last week we asked you who your favorite figure from the new EqG Minis Theme Park Collection is. The results were actually pretty close this time, with Sunset Shimmer winning this poll! On a close second place we can find Twilight Sparkle, followed by a bigger gap to the ponies that both got the same amount of votes to claim place #3: Pinkie Pie & Rarity. This leave Rainbow Dash in the final place, yet she managed to get over 10% of the votes.
New School of Friendship Brushables Found - Including Scootaloo
Saturday, April 14, 2018
8:46 PM
coming soon
school of friendship
twilight sparkle
Over on AliExpress four new brushables appeared that will be part of the School of Friendship line. Right now Twilight Sparkle, Rarity and Scootaloo were spotted, the latter being the very first filly-sized brushable since the reboot line started last year.
Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Scootaloo are dressed (painted, not removable) in school uniforms, while there's also a second Twilight Sparkle found that has no outfit, but features some multi-colored ribbons in her hair.
Because they were only found online, we have no idea what release type these brushables are going to get. Be aware that this could become a larger store exclusive set (e.g. Target).
Thanks to Monster Glad for the heads-up!
Below we have photos of all four ponies from all sides!
Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Scootaloo are dressed (painted, not removable) in school uniforms, while there's also a second Twilight Sparkle found that has no outfit, but features some multi-colored ribbons in her hair.
Because they were only found online, we have no idea what release type these brushables are going to get. Be aware that this could become a larger store exclusive set (e.g. Target).
Thanks to Monster Glad for the heads-up!
Below we have photos of all four ponies from all sides!
Official Images of Talking Rarity Brushable Released
During the 2018 NY Toy Fair a Rarity was on display that mentions she "Sings a song" and "25+ phrases". It wasn't a big secret that this would be the next brushable to follow the talking Twilight Sparkle, but we didn't get a good look at the complete pony at the convention.
Luckily the official stock images for "Meet Rarity" are out now, showing her in more detail, including the box. The latter directly shows that Rarity keeps in style with her phrases: "Can you help me put on my necklace?" and "Isn't it beautiful?" are garunteed to be included, alongside at least 24 more phrases. Of course a necklace will be included, as well as a purse, hairband and comb. The pose of Rarity itself is pretty similar to that of Twilight Sparkle, but mirrored (and without wings, of course).
What's odd, is that the box not only mentions a sound-icon, but also a brushable-icon. Twilight Sparkle didn't have this, while she certainly had brushable hair! Maybe Rarity will talk when you brush her hair?
Luckily the official stock images for "Meet Rarity" are out now, showing her in more detail, including the box. The latter directly shows that Rarity keeps in style with her phrases: "Can you help me put on my necklace?" and "Isn't it beautiful?" are garunteed to be included, alongside at least 24 more phrases. Of course a necklace will be included, as well as a purse, hairband and comb. The pose of Rarity itself is pretty similar to that of Twilight Sparkle, but mirrored (and without wings, of course).
What's odd, is that the box not only mentions a sound-icon, but also a brushable-icon. Twilight Sparkle didn't have this, while she certainly had brushable hair! Maybe Rarity will talk when you brush her hair?
Store Finds: Surprise Eggs, New AJ Magazine Figure, Face Mask & More
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
8:21 PM
now available
store find
If you happen to find brand new stuff in your local store, then feel free to write us a small message with photos.
MLP Merch Poll #170 & #169 Results - EqG Minis Theme Park Collection
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
7:23 PM
coming soon
equestria girls
equestria girls minis
Last week we asked you if a new series of buildable My Little Pony figures or sets would interest you. The result? Over a third of you is not at all interested in a new try on buildable figures, and 26% would only like to see a LEGO-like set for My Little Pony, rather than anything that has been released so far. Excluding the 14% who isn't sure this leaves only 25% of the votes in favor of a new set, which is relatively low in my eyes.
Equestria Girls Minis Theme Park Singles Listed on Amazon!
Saturday, April 07, 2018
8:19 AM
coming soon
equestria girls
equestria girls minis
pinkie pie
rainbow dash
sunset shimmer
twilight sparkle
Personally, one thing that tells me it's finally spring again is when all the theme parks open up their gates again. I love theme parks! Especially roller coasters. Too bad most of them are too intense for Ossie. Anyway to stay in the whole theme park theme. Amazon has listed the Equestria Girls Minis Singles for the Theme Park Collection.
Wave 2 of Pony Friends Singles Appear on Amazon!
8:19 AM
coming soon
rainbow dash
school of friendship
No comments
So it's been a while since a ton of new items got listed on Amazon. But this morning finally some new stuff appeared. (aside from the Twilight Sparkle and Spike Set) One of the new items listed was the second wave for the Pony Friends Singles. While the first wave included Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Trixie and Twilight Sparkle, the second wave will contain Cheerilee, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Some of these were also on display during the New York Toy Fair.
Twilight Sparkle Confirmed As Second Kotobukiya Bishoujo Statue
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
7:48 PM
coming soon
equestria girls
twilight sparkle
Kotobukiya's original announcement of the Bishoujo Pinkie Pie statue already teased about a complete line, and this week we got the confirmation that there will at least be a second statue in the series! On a Japanese blog's Twitter an image was shared showing that Twilight Sparkle won a poll for who the second figure would become. According to sources, the poll consisted of both mane 6 and non mane-6 ponies.
As seen in the image above, no further information is available on the design or release of the new figure. In fact, we're still waiting for addition info on Pinkie Pie, so we need to keep our patience a bit longer for these very promising figures!
Thanks to Ayu for the info!
As seen in the image above, no further information is available on the design or release of the new figure. In fact, we're still waiting for addition info on Pinkie Pie, so we need to keep our patience a bit longer for these very promising figures!
Thanks to Ayu for the info!
Twilight Sparkle as Star Swirl Brushable Appears on Amazon
Tuesday, April 03, 2018
7:18 PM
coming soon
star swirl
twilight sparkle
Amazon has listed quite an interesting new item. This set contains Twilight Sparkle and Spike in their Nightmare Night Costumes. As you all know Twilight Sparkle is dressed as her idol Star Swirl the Bearded. But what makes this brushable especially interesting is the packaging. Those who watch the show might recognize the packaging as it looks like they tried to make it look like Star Swirl's Lost Journal. Perhaps it's more hinted towards the Season 7 Finale?
New Issue of My Little Pony Magazine Now in US
Since last year Topix Media Specials has revived the US My Little Pony magazine line with new issues every 2 months. This release is back to basics, without any figures and special items, but with two posters and the usual content such as puzzles, stories and activities.
The magazine shown above was found at Joseph Beth (thanks ExplosionMare), but expect more store to carry the new issue soon too. Online you can get the new release in the Media Lab / Topix Media webstore.
The magazine shown above was found at Joseph Beth (thanks ExplosionMare), but expect more store to carry the new issue soon too. Online you can get the new release in the Media Lab / Topix Media webstore.
MLP Merch Poll #169 & #168 Results - MLP Buildable Line
Last week we asked you whether you started watching season 8 of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic yet. And this shows that we have some big fans of both the merch and the show here, as in the first week almost 68% started watching right away! After a long gap we see another reasonably sized group of 19% that's going to watch it soon, followed by 6% who will watch it once the season is over (good luck not reading any spoilers in the mean time!). This leaves 12% of you that aren't watching MLP:FiM.
Secret Project Revealed: MLP Merch Goes Physical!
After months of keeping a secret we're finally able to share our big project with you: MLP Merch is going to publish a physical book!
Since the first hints at our secret project we've been working tons of hours on writing our first book, which is all about My Little Pony throughout all the generations. Starting with generation 0, the My Pretty Pony range, all the way to the latest G4 releases and Equestria Girls. This means that the book will contain plenty of older generation ponies, something that is not yet present on our own website!
As you might expect, we're not able to fit every pony ever released into a single book. That's why we've decided to primarily write a book about ponies that are special. Either because they have a unique gimmick, were pretty exclusive at release, or have another story behind them.
Of course the book will be available on Amazon, but if everything goes as planned select retailers in the US and UK will have the book in stock too. Though, the release date will be somewhere in the last few months of this year, so you'd have to keep some patience for it!
Since the first hints at our secret project we've been working tons of hours on writing our first book, which is all about My Little Pony throughout all the generations. Starting with generation 0, the My Pretty Pony range, all the way to the latest G4 releases and Equestria Girls. This means that the book will contain plenty of older generation ponies, something that is not yet present on our own website!
As you might expect, we're not able to fit every pony ever released into a single book. That's why we've decided to primarily write a book about ponies that are special. Either because they have a unique gimmick, were pretty exclusive at release, or have another story behind them.
Of course the book will be available on Amazon, but if everything goes as planned select retailers in the US and UK will have the book in stock too. Though, the release date will be somewhere in the last few months of this year, so you'd have to keep some patience for it!
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