Equestria Girls Minis Sunset Shimmer Beach Doll
Time for some non-movie merch! It's been a while. Some months ago we reported about beach-themed Minis listed on Amazon. But now Amazon has updated the listings with images! The beach set contains Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie Lulamoon and Twilight Sparkle. What's also nice is that the packaging got a nice make-over for this set with tropical designs all over and some nice traditional-style for the artwork. The packaging now also mentions Hasbro's Official Youtube Channel as well.

Like expected they all come in cute beach-themed clothing and with simple but cute accessories. They aren't available yet but we'll let you guys know when they are! Have the listings and images below!

Equestria Girls Applejack Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Minis Applejack Beach DollEquestria Girls Minis Applejack Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Fluttershy Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Minis Fluttershy Beach DollEquestria Girls Minis Fluttershy Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Pinkie Pie Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Minis Pinkie Pie Beach DollEquestria Girls Minis Pinkie Pie Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Sunset Shimmer Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Minis Sunset Shimmer Beach DollEquestria Girls Minis Sunset Shimmer Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Trixie Lulamoon Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Minis Trixie Lulamoon Beach DollEquestria Girls Minis Trixie Lulamoon Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Twilight Sparkle Beach Doll

Equestria Girls Minis Twilight Sparkle Beach DollEquestria Girls Minis Twilight Sparkle Beach Doll


  1. Ok, HONESTLY.. Applejack does not look good on that get up, that look should be for Sunset Shimmer. And I don't even watch Equestria Girls.

    1. As opposed to a bikini? Doesn't seem like applejack's type of swimwear. I think it looks great

    2. That's right I totally love Applejack Look, it's the cuttest of Applejack mini EqG Doll I have ever seen, and I have already 3 of her. Totally love her hairdo, and the sweet expresion in her face, and she even comes with a surfboard! that's absolutly a well done doll, at least in my opinion. :3

  2. Oh wow! Sunset looks so cute! :D I gotta draw that outfit on her!!

  3. What a cuteness!!! I want them now!!, hehe.

    something curious and interesting, if you see in the boxes, the image strip of the characters, you will see that they have new clothes, even when they are scenes already seen

  4. These look very nice, cute hairstyles ^^ I also like the package art.

  5. So I take it we'll get bigger sets with RD and Rarity.
    Alittle suprising to see beach themed dolls, but they looks super cute. Especiallty Sunset.
    Sadly I don't think I'll but any unless I can snag one for cheap. Not until I complete my "base collection" atleast. (And theres other doll I'd rather wish they make, like Aria, Sonata, Lyra and Trixie in her hat and cape but thats just me)

    Love the new packaging and the edited outfits though!
    And if anything, this shows Hasbro will continue to make the mini dolls.

    1. I hope we do get Rarity and Rainbow included in this beach theme because they would look super cute and it would be nice to have a collection of all the mane 6 and sunset!

  6. I Guess Sunset And Twilight Looks Great! OMAGA I Want Sunlight!!!! 7U7

  7. Everyone knows they'd all go skinny dipping together. ;)

