MLP Umbrella With Rainbow Dash Figure Spotted
Remember this Pinkie Pie figure? You might remember it from a while ago and think "Yeah, what was the deal with that figure?" Well, it was not a loose figure as any other brushable, but actually the handle of a umbrella by ABG Accessories. And now, after 2 years, they've made a new brushable umbrella character: Rainbow Dash! The complete umbrella will only set you back $9.99 at Toys"R"Us (US), which is a decent price for what you get, even if you just want it for the figure. And in case you're wondering: yes, both the main and tail and your regular brushable hair.
I wonder why Rarity didn't get her own umbrella yet?

Thanks to Vincent for sending this in!


  1. I love the fact that the hair is brushable and that the pony is the handle it'd be a bit weird to see it upside down when you hold it. OMG I could totally imagine myself walking to the bus stop to get the school bus and looking really sassy with this , I want this so much but I live in the UK

  2. that is awesome!

  3. I actually recently found this at Target!

    1. I actually spotted this same umbrella in my local toys R us last month i thought it was pretty cool with rd on the handle but for $9.99 thats a pretty good deal i might get it next month xd

  4. Omg. I've seen her for the past 2 months lol. I just didn't send a pic because i was pretty sure you had already known about it XD.
