MLP Explore Equestria Pearlescent Starlight Glimmer BrushableMLP Explore Equestria Pearlescent Starlight Glimmer Brushable
Some days ago the official My Little Pony website listed some new Explore Equestria Singles, these all had some pearlescent bodies. So far we got Coloratura, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie and it was actually expected that more would join the line. So it turns out Starlight Glimmer is going to join this line as well as she has been listed on the official website. It's quite strange IMO how much attention Starlight is getting these days. I wonder what we'll see of her in season 6...
So far none of these are released and we don't know when. Please let us know if you find one of them!

Thanks to Anna for the heads up!


  1. I guess the fact that she joined the Mane 6 or Ponyville (whatever, we'll know better her fate in the S6) made Hasbro more interested in making toys for her. It reminds me the fact that since her appearance in Super Mario Galaxy, Nintendo spammed Rosalina in many many many games afterward (heck they even putted her in the last Smash Bros game).

    1. Hmm if I remember correctly Starlight's new purpose is to sort of start a second "Mane Six". This can be quite interesting if it means we will possibly see some new characters. But that's just my speculation. :)

    2. Mh or what you said, or Starlight now is what Sunset Shimmer is for the HuMane 6.... or better, what the human world Twilight is now for the Humane 6 (7). I always saw Sunset Shimmer as the Twilight of the HuMane 6 (7) and the human world Twilight as the Starlight of the HuMane 6 (7)..... At least this is how I see it. But even a second Mane 6 group is fine to me. 12 ponies are better than 6 right? XD

    3. Maybe its because at the begging of mlp there was two unicorns two Pegasuses and two earth ponys but when twily became an alicorn there was only one unicorn so sunset was made but when Hasbro uploaded a video on youtube called my past is not today sunset has a similar transfermation like when twi got wings and the sunset got wings and in the freindship games bike toy in the back sunset has wings so now shes an alicorn so thats why starlight was born so now its two alicorns two unicorns two earth ponys and two Pegasuses

  2. she is amazing but... even previous versions is not released in stores yet :\ USA totally skipped Ribbon Starlight glimmer and can't find any bowtie one yet.

    1. Actually, the Ribbon Hair Singles made it only into very few stores worldwide just like how it was with Rainbow Power Singles Wave Two, it seems like stores don't like the second waves of single lines.

  3. I don't really see how the ponies are translucent. To me, they just look pearly/metallic. But they are all so pretty! :D

  4. I must get this one and the other Starlight Glimmer brushable (the ribbon hair)!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  5. To be honest, I really hope Starlight doesn't join the M6. She is a nice character, but, I hope she is a recurring character like Discord and the princesses.

    1. As long it's not the death of a character (I'm watching you TMNT Season 3 finale <_<) and as long the quality doesn't fall (I'm watching you Pinkie, Elmyra and the Brain <_<) I'll accept whatever will happen in S6, including Starlinght joining the Mane 6 as an apprentice. Also, it's not like we've too much to lose in the not so probable case things will go wrong, all is left for the show now is the S6 and the Movie, and then everything will be over so...

    2. Stop making sarcastic comments about starlight glimmer she is only joining the mane 6 because she is going to be reformed so don't take it out on the
      Mlp fan base!

  6. ...The world is against me :P Ok this is weird but i REALLY want Starlight to become Mane character. Also, I wonder if she'll get a build a bear soon? She HAS gotten two more episodes than Trixie...And TRIXIE got one soooo...

  7. MintiCherriChocolateJanuary 08, 2016 9:47 PM

    Yes, yes, yes! Must buy this and the other two Starlight's!!! I wonder, if these were inspired by the Crystal Empire (as this line is called Explore Equestria)? I really would LOVE to see some fancy Crystal Empire ponies...Rarity would go good in that series. I'd say Rarity, Twilight, Cadance, and some new characters?

  8. Definitely want starlight glimmer to bad the us totally skipped out on the ribbon cutie mark magic starlight glimmer.

