Pinkie Pie Friendship is Magic Collection
Even before we had the chance to get official stock images, the latest Friendship is Magic collection revolving around Pinkie Pie has been released at Target and Toys"R"Us!
All the regular packs have been found in these stores, except for the Pinkie Pie Sweet Shoppe playset. We hope to see some online listings soon, but for now you can find them at Target and Toys"R"Us, but this may vary per region.
Prices are equal to the original Applejack FiM Collection:
- Single Story Pack $2.99
- Small Story Pack $4.99
- Large Story Pack $9.99
- Ultimate Story Pack $21.99 (not confirmed yet)

Thanks to PixelKitties for the info and images!
Pinkie Pie Friendship is Magic Collection

Pinkie Pie Friendship is Magic Collection


  1. Yay yay i have been waiting for this set yay yay that's great!

  2. I couldn't find any of the last set here in the UK. The Asdas I visited only had the barn :(

  3. Hmm, that's early. I was expecting January of next year. Oh well, I do want to pick up Sugar Cube Corner. And I hope the first of the Explore Equestria line will be out this or next month too, I want Fluttershy's cottage on my Christmas list!

    1. Yes i was expecting January of next year TO. Now I'm going to put the Fluttershy's cottage on my Xmas list.

    2. I doubt they come out this year, there haven't even been prototypes and the official releases are usually two months after they were found.

  4. Yes finally i have been waiting for the new fim collection to come out now i want the Maud pie cranky doodle Mrs cake and twilight sparkles sweet stand now i can't wait for the sweet shoppe to come out I'm checking out my local walmart and target for all of them!!!!

  5. I'm hoping my local target has these in I'm so excited about buying the pinkie pie fim collection! ^^

  6. @BuildabearinsiderNovember 07, 2015 5:20 AM

    Oh my gosh, I must have Maud, Twilight's Sweet Stand, Pinkie, and ESPECIALLY Mrs. Cakes!!!

  7. I found these at my local Toys r Us!! I just put up at review on them on YouTube! Here's the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFWgJYq_TyY These are soo cute!!

