MLP Rainbow Dash Original Glitter Funko Hikari
A new Funko Hikari Rainbow Dash has now officially been revealed. We already knew this one was coming but now it has been officially listed. The Original Glitter Rainbow Dash Hikari is now available for $49.99 which is quite lower then the other ones. This one is also limited to 1000 pieces, more then the other ones as well. This one will arrive this November. Have the listings below.

Thanks again to Aquatic Neon for the heads up!


  1. Oh yeah! And I have the rainbow one on pre-order from Big Bad Toys to ship in the 4th quarter!!

  2. Thank goodness for this site!! I am so happy that you guys keep us in the know. So far, I have been able to buy every MLP Hikari so far. I have the regular one, the glitter storm, metallic is on the way, and I just bought this glitter one from Gemini!! I can't wait until the new ones come out. Entertainment Earth is already sold-out for pre-orders.

  3. $49.99 for a rd hikiri figurine like hell yes i would buy one but that is a bit expensive for one of them

