DIY Rainbow Dash Pillow Kit
We believe we've spotted this a few days on eBay too, but now there's an official Amazon listing for this DIY Rainbow Dash pillow kit too. The kit comes with a 10" pillowcase, which you can decorate and fill with the included decorative felt, gems and fluff. This kit is manufactured by Canal Toys, which we know of the Doll Pens, found earlier this month.
Browsing their website also shows a set with 3 of these kits for Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie (see image below), so I expect all 3 to be available loose as well.
Amazon just sold the last unit while I was writing this post, so you'd need to have some patience for more stock. Perhaps some stores sell these as well, but we have no confirmation for that at the moment.


  1. Oh, So Cool!! I hope some stores do/will sell them. Also I hope they make the rest of the main six and maybe the princesses.

    1. They usually do Twilight, Pinkie, and Dash only because they sell the most. They don't usually do follow up ponies and they NEVER do the Princesses for some reason :(

  2. Oh cool! I want Twilight! And isn't it weird that they still use Twilight's old season 3-4 crown in the merchandise? I've only seen 1 new stock vector with her new one!

    1. I agree i want the twilight one to!

  3. This would be a cool DIY kit to have. I will be looking for it. :)

  4. Look closely at Rainbow's name in the three pack. It looks like it says "Rainbow Jack". I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I definitely want the twilight sparkle diy pillow kit❤

  7. I totally want Dash!

  8. I think last time I was at kmart a couple of weeks ago, I might of saw the rainbow dash pillow. They might all be at kmart.

  9. Bought Rainbow Dash kit at KMart. Strange Google doesn't pick it up when searched!

