MLP Kmart Exclusive Flash Sentry Equestria Girls Doll
Yesterday a Single Flash Sentry Doll was found that is exclusive to Kmart. But on that image it seemed like we only saw half of the box. There was a lot of discussion with who or what he was packaged with. Some people thought he would come with accessories. Others thought he would come with a different Twilight and some other people thought he would perhaps come with another boy. (Ossie and I joked he would be packaged with another Flash Sentry)

Turns out he will come with an additional shirt, boots and an guitar. So that's one mystery less.
Thanks to Tomo for the heads up and to quaketoys for the video.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haha that's funny! If I dont get the two pack ill get this

  3. Is there a problem with your guys submission mail? I have been sending mails about new plush releases and similar stuff for over a month but I don't get any replies anymore.

  4. His face still looks weird but i'll buy him maybe :-)

  5. Thanks for the shoutout. We really thought that Flash's guitar would be a stamper since it's identical to Rainbow Dash's but it's empty inside. Hopefully they will make his car and maybe some events for the boys to do too.

  6. Good. A single Flash doll. At least it's not Zayn from freakin' One Direction.

  7. Ha ha that's funny I'll buy flash sentry face looks a little weird I'll definitely be getting him!

  8. Baby face Flash Sentry?

