Fiendship is Magic #3 (Sirens) Comic CoverFiendship is Magic #3 (Sirens) Comic Subscription Cover
It's already time for the third issue of the Fiendship is Magic mini series with a comic about the Sirens. In this comic you'll read about the Sirens and how they became evil! Just like issue #2 this comic has 2 covers: A regular cover and a subscription variant.
You can get the comic right now at your local comic store, or online at Amazon: Regular Cover - Subscription Cover

The Fiendship is Magic series is a mini comic series by IDW that will be released throughout this month with a total of 5 comics and 1 bundled paperback.


  1. I read that comic a bit earlier, and I don't think it really showed how they became evil. They are what they are by nature, sirens feed from hatred and negative feelings, and that's what they did from the very beginning. It mostly just showed us what happened before (and when) they were banished to human world.

    1. I guess I misunderstood that then! When I initially read about this comic-series I thought all comics would be about the characters turning evil in one way or another. Guess this one is an exception then!

    2. I sort of wish we could have seen more of their back history, but as you said, maybe they were always evil. It was still a pretty good read in my opinion.

  2. Very cool comic cover i must definitely get this comic book i love the sirens ❤

  3. Wow cool) but is this canon? So hasbro approved?

    1. The story has been reviewed by Hasbro, but it's not considered canon

