Rainbow Shimmer Princess Celestia in Packaging (Snowglobe Pony)Rainbow Shimmer Princess Luna in Packaging (Snowglobe Pony)
Today, a lucky person called Mel has found the Rainbow Shimmer Princess Celestia at Target, as seen in this video. While the original release date was set for September, this Target already put some out in the store, with hilarious consequences: Target did not have these listed in their system yet, so a manager had to come up with the price of what he though was correct: $8.99. While this was the price that they settled on, the actual retail price that stores will use could differ from this, however, BigBadToyStore also asks about $9 a piece.
While the find is very cool, most people will probably have to wait until sometime next month, when they are supposed to come out.
Thanks to Mel for the video and info!

Rainbow Shimmer Princess Celestia (Snowglobe Pony)Rainbow Shimmer Princess Luna (Snowglobe Pony)


  1. im so excited i cant wait till next month1!!!!!!!!!! and was there a 1st wave to this plz answer this question...

    1. Nope :) These are the first of the Rainbow Shimmer ones to be released. Twilight and Cadance will be in the second wave.

  2. i got luna at target :D

