My Little Pony fake Blind Bag figures with swapped colors
Fake Blind Bag figures. Is that what the child of Applejack and Big Mac would look like?
Next to new blind bag figures, an explosion of fake blind bag figures is spreading around eBay, TaoBao and various other market places. But how do you spot fake blind bags? Read our tutorial and avoid scams!


Fake blind bags usually have very strange scrambled color combinations. What is strange, you might ask? Well, take a look at the following blind bags:

My Little Pony fake Blind Bag figures with swapped colors

Why is Rarity colored as Nightmare moon (and no, this is no Nightmareity)? And Pinkie as Big Mac?
These colors simple don't match with the body style and even though some fakies might feature normal color schemes: Look at the set! 9 out of 10 times these fakies come in lots (they are probably easier to sell or produce in sets) and if one or more are fake, they usually all are.
Take a look, there are even more sets with this color scheme:

My Little Pony fake Blind Bag figures with swapped colors
My Little Pony fake Blind Bag figures with swapped colors
Fake Blind Bag figures with swapped color schemes. NightMac and Big Sparkle.

Cutie Marks

There are some known factory error blind bags that are legitimate Hasbro blind bags, but without cutie marks. So not all blank flanks are fake by default, but you should be alarmed when you see a set with tons of 'em.
My Little Pony fake Blind Bag figures without cutie marks
Fake Blind Bag figures without cutie marks. A whole lot of blank flanks.


Hasbro usually paint the figures 'acceptable'. Blind bags tend to have some paint flaws, drops or scratches, which is normal for mass produced items. However, when the paint is extremely bad, they might be counterfeit. Take a look at these horrors (mostly the Rarity ones):
My Little Pony fake Blind Bag figures with bad paintjobs
Fake Blind Bag figures with bad paint. Did Rarity bath in paint?


If you shop for pony merch regularly, you probably know how pony stuff is packaged. A regular shopper should be able to spot minor defects and fishy stuff on packages (spelling errors, weird logos). Sadly for them, fake blind bag sellers usually don't even bother and use the most horrific design elements, renders and fonts. Sometimes they even mix up generations!

My Little Pony fake Blind Bag figures with fake packaging
My Little Pony fake Blind Bag figures with fake packaging
(Gotta love those awkward small eyes on all the ponies)

Do research

There are tons of websites online that offer information about (un)released blind bags. Be sure to inform them before you buy a doubtful item. However, some blind bags are simply new to the scene, like leaked blind bags from new waves or prototypes. So if you're unsure about an item, wait a while until more information is available.

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Selling counterfeit items and claiming they are genuine is illegal (in most countries). However, some sellers simply don't care. If you see blind bags online which you have never seen before of which the seller claims they are real, don't trust them right away. Check the color, paint, cutie marks and do a bit of research before you buy them. If you are convinced that the seller is offering fake items while claiming they are real you can always report that seller for illegal activities.

Custom or fakie?

Fake blind bags are not to be confused with customs. Custom blind bags are usually show accurate, professional and decorated, where fakies are usually of poor quality and bare. Fakies are reproductions or copies of MLP products which are produced cheaper that real figures, and customs are handcrafted modifications of actual MLP products. Custom blind bags are commonly sold by their original artist and profesionally offered for a premium price (not "new hot hasbro toy figure real").


  1. I think you're mistaken about that first set. They aren't fakes, but possibly colour-test patterns. I know the seller because I've bought from him for ages and all his models are authentic Hasbro. The second, set however, *are* Korean knockoffs because the painting on them is atrocious.

    1. ok, just because you've been buying from him for "ages" doesn't mean these people are 100% honest. these people are online sellers, so.. you can't really trust anyone. i actually have a brony friend over in the hasbro toy shop, and he usually tells me about new merch coming, and nothing has ever been said about this. ive brought it up around him a couple times and showed him this particular page and said he's never saw these before so, you should probably check twice with your seller..

    2. Of course he's never seen them before. Just because he works at the Hasbro Shop doesn't mean he's in the factory. Like I said: Test patterns. They're not meant for sale, but help test the molds before new waves. All of them have the appropriate Hasbro stamps.

    3. i dont think that hasbro would make such a big mistake on packaging like that. they dont publish/produce anymore older generations. and yes, i know that prototypes are specifically for tests, but still.

  2. They're not the real molds. In particular, the holes in the hooves are shallower than in the real molds. They're very, very close, but they're fakies.

  3. I'd actually love to buy those weird colored blind bags in the gen-mixed package just because theyre interesting and would be a fun addition to the collection lol

  4. Can somebody PLEASE tell me where I can buy fakies I'm going crazy searching for them online!!!! :(

    1. You can buy them on ebay

    2. Search for My Little Pony with 'cheapest first'. Make sure you include locations like China. They usually start for a penny with free shipping.

    3. Lol the child of big Mac and applejack

  5. Did anyone notice the color mix-ups for the mane 6 on the bottom of the second box?

  6. Well, those Wonderbolts found on eBay and Taobao confide to the paint issue.

  7. If I were to get these, I think I could paint them better, that'd be the only reason alongside making OCs. XD

