1 comment
MLP Merch Poll #77MLP Merch Poll #76 Results
Last week we asked you whether you take ponies with you when you travel. The results are pretty divided, but most of you take a plush pony with you. Another large group takes either a brushable or blind bag with them. A small portion of you take something else pony related with them, while 20% of you never travel with ponies.

This week we'd like to know whether you note which figures are in your collection. This can be either our MLPMerch checklist, other software or simply on paper. Whichever it is (or not), please let us know in the poll below!
You can find the current poll below or in the side bar on the right of the website, or towards the bottom of the page if you're using a smartphone.

1 comment :

  1. I don't take note, but if i see a pony at the store, i can tell already wether i have it or not.
