MLP Merch Poll #76MLP Merch Poll #75 Results
Last week we asked you what kind of My Little Pony video game you would like to see from Hasbro. The winning answer was almost a tie, but in the end Adventure won by a small margin from RPG. These were the most popular types of games picked by you, which I can totally understand (they're my favourite game genres too, hehe)! Other popular options were Online, Simulation or 3D Platformer, which all fit into what fans already creating themselves. Surprisingly the least favourite option was "Strategy/Economic", which is the type of game that Hasbro released with Gameloft on mobile devices. I bet they didn't held a poll before they started working on that!

This week we'd like to know whether you take a pony with you when you travel. This can be a plush to keep you company while traveling, or just a pony to take photos of at your destination. Whatever the reason, we'd like to hear about it in our poll and comments below!
You can find the current poll below or in the side bar on the right of the website, or towards the bottom of the page if you're using a smartphone.


  1. A plush, almost all the time. Usually for the car ride, but more recently, I've been bringing a Ty pony with me to places as it comforts me, usually Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy. It's small, so no ones minds it.

    Plus, I get the added fun of doing cute pony pictures with my phone while out.

  2. Does t-shirt count? xp

    1. Though I didn't vote for it, second on shirts. I almost always wear ponies whenever I go out somewhere, unless I'm in the mood to wear my Sonic or Frozen shirts.

  3. I always take my Derpy plush and either a brushable or blind bag with that. Usually my brushable Lyra though.
