Hasbro Announces Adult MLP Figures For 2016

EDIT: Happy April Fools! :)

On the evening before the French National Toy Fair of 2016 Hasbro has released a press kit with some very interesting information about merch that is coming later this year: Adult versions of the MLP brushable ponies! The first wave will consist of the Mane 6 (of which only Applejack received a stock image) and will be released under the Explore Equestria line.
The adult ponies have a more solid and horse-like body, while the heads and manes keep relatively equal to what we are used to. The brushables will not have any special features, but will come with more adult-like accessories like mobile phones. The sizes of these brushables is said to be 5", which is between the size of regular brushables and Fashion Styles.
Suggested retail price for this line is $9.99 and the expected release date is the last quarter of 2016.


  1. Is this a real thing or it is an April 1st joke?

    1. It has to be right....there weird.....please be a joke

  2. please don't do them please =(

    1. Its an April fools joke lol!

    2. work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work work

  3. This is rather bizarre.

    The head doesn't match very well with that body, I think.

    Generally speaking, it brings The G2 ponies to mind. Same horse-like proportions and weird heads.

    1. ...It seems I forgot what day this is.

  4. I hope its April joke. its actually G2 Body and G4 head. I'm not sure its real

    1. I agree that is an abomination to ALL Brony kind! No way would I buy that!

    2. They look a little of but i like the adult version of apple jack!

    3. No it's not a joke Hasbro is coming out with adult ponies at the end of 2016!

  5. I already know what the head belongs to, and that is a G2 body :P But... I'm going to make this real when that AJ is released XD

  6. Oh god. . .hasbro, what have you done to mlp.

  7. Haha, cool April Fools joke.

    I'd always recognize a Photoshopped G2 pony. Nice try, Illona. Nice try.

  8. *Looks at the body type*
    That's a G2 xD

  9. It's an april fools joke because they just photo shoped a g2 ponys body to the new articulated apple jack,this g2 pony is called golden light

  10. Mobile phones?! Really? Equestria doesn't have that kind of technology yet. I know it's a joke but really? This joke is just weird. :/

    1. I know right they send letters not texts

  11. So this is the April Fools.

  12. G2 pony ... I was always a fan of that gen can't fool me :)

  13. It's an April Fools Day joke. But I thought the mane six are already "grown up".

  14. *sigh* I loved Gen 2....but honestly, I think that body only looks good if it's on the alicorns. It must be the long-neck they have, Iunno.

  15. Its weird how in America we never got the g2 ponies I only knew about g2 because I said to myself wait there's g1 and g3 and g4 but where is g2 so then I looked it up and all the videos where in some weird language that's strange tho like why didn't that come out in America

  16. funny how we now have phones as acessories for g5

