MLP Explore Equestria Coco Pommel - Runway Show Articulated Brushable

We had to wait for some time but at last the first articulated Brushables have started to appear on Amazon complete with high quality images. The first three ponies are Coco Pommel, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle each of them has a different name themed after an activity/action. We've included the listings below but besides the images they aren't available for order yet. We will notify you when they are.

Coco Pommel - Runway Show Articulated Brushable

MLP Explore Equestria Coco Pommel - Runway Show Articulated BrushableMLP Explore Equestria Coco Pommel - Runway Show Articulated Brushable

Rainbow Dash - Sightseeing Articulated Brushable

MLP Explore Equestria Rainbow Dash - Sightseeing Articulated BrushableMLP Explore Equestria Rainbow Dash - Sightseeing Articulated Brushable

Twilight Sparkle - Reading Cafe Articulated Brushable

MLP Explore Equestria Twilight Sparkle - Reading Cafe Articulated BrushableMLP Explore Equestria Twilight Sparkle - Reading Cafe Articulated Brushable


  1. Weird; I don't like the cutie mark being so far down the leg (you really get a sense of it being on the actual leg/thigh rather than the "flank"). Also I hope that Twilight's body isn't that off-color in the actual toy. They've often had that problem with the brushables, particularly with Twilight.

    1. Unfortunately that is the problem you'll run into with having articulated ponies. The cutie marks will have to be that far down the leg if you want them to be visible because the flank as well as the rest of the body is going to be a lot smaller than people think.

      I have not been a fan of these since they were announced and after seeing the prototypes on eBay I'm definitely staying away. I can't imagine what is essentially a rubber band and some string that holds the legs together to last very long even if kept as a collectable.

  2. I want the coco pomel one but why does the cutie Mark have to be on their legs like that.

  3. Mrrrr.... I am conflicted! I want a Coco, but I don't know if I like these jointed ponies.....

  4. @BuildabearinsiderNovember 07, 2015 5:23 AM

    I can't wait to get them all- especially Coco and Twighly :)
