MLP Friendship is Magic Collection Gummy Blind Bag Figure
More Blind Bags are appearing on Taobao. About two weeks ago we reported that several new Pinkie Pie Related Blind Bags had been spotted on Ebay and Taobao. Amazon also has listings which incidate that the next Friendship is Magic Collection wave will be about Pinkie Pie. And what's pinkie Pie witout her beloved pet Gummy? A Gummy "Blind Bag" Figure has been spotted on Taobao. While he isn't the size for a normal Blind Bag Figure he certainly is in scale with the Blind Bag ponies themself much like Fancypants from the Pony Lesson Set.

I believe there's a very high change he will be part of the FiM collection. We just need to wait until he arrives in packaging.

MLP Friendship is Magic Collection Gummy Blind Bag Figure


  1. Awesome!!! Gummy is the best, my sister is going to be super happy about this one too, she thinks Gummy is the cutest.

  2. he looks creepy but when ill edit it, he will look fabulous! and its nice cuz he is the perfect size to be a brushable pet!

  3. Probably going to be a part of the new friendship is magic collection with that new pinkie pie that was spotted with the balloons. Either way, I want to get that gummy for my brushable Pinkie.

  4. So awesome! Must have it!

  5. Cool a gummy blind bag figurine it will go great with my pinkie pinkie blind bag figurine.

