All About MLP Merch Wave 14 Blind Bag Codes
First we hear nothing about the Blind bags, and suddenly the box for the wave 14 ones has already appeared online! Entertainment Earth has also listed some listings. Just like the Wave 13 ones you can pre-order the box, but if that's too much you can also order 5-6 bags. They will ship out this July according to their listing. We have no information when these will hit the stores.


MLP Blind Bag Wave 14 BoxMLP Wave 14 Blind Bags

We also managed to find out who's included in this set. Together with their codes! We are sorry however for the low images right now as these are the only we have right now. When images of higher quality are found, we will replace them. ;) It's also unsure if these bag will have a window on the back but it seems like they will.

AA - Fluttershy
AB - Sugar Cane
AC - Trixie Lulamoon
AD - Minuette
AE - Royal Riff
AF - Pinkie Pie
AG - Merry May
AH - Electric Sky
AI - Chance-a-Lot
AK - Berry Green
AL - Rarity
AM - Sassaflash
AN - Peachy Pie
AO - Twilight Sky
AP - Rainbow Dash
AR - Lucky Clover
AS - Amethyst Star
AT - Beachberry
AU - Plumsweet
AV - Florina Tart
AW - Perfect Pie
AX - Apple Cinnamon
AY - Golden Delicious
AZ - Apple Cobbler


  1. So Plumsweet is a pegasus now... and who is this Sugar Cane character? This is a very bizarre wave.

    1. Plumsweet isn't a pegasus but actually an AJ clone but the previews for W13 and W14 are messed, like how Florina lacks her tail and Twilight her wings, lol.

  2. why always a lot of glitter ponies? I don't understand, Regular ponies are so much better.

    1. Actually, Wave 13 is the glittery one. Wave 14(This one) is full of transparent ponies.

  3. Hi I just found out the eg app is coming on android JULY I don't have an actual date yet but I contacted Hasbro service and they told me next month!

    1. I know its bad news but just wanted to share it anyways.:)

    2. What a shame! We'll be waiting another few days for the review then :(

  4. I can't wait for wave 14 blind bags to come out i especially want trixie plumsweet florina tart Apple crisp and perfect pie I'm so excited!

  5. I especially want the 5 chase figures from wave 14 but florina tart is missing her tail WTH HASBRO!

    1. May be just a photoshop fail, happend before.

  6. Change-A-Lot? Don't you mean Chance-A-Lot?

