MLP Sunny Flare Equestria Girls Friendship Games School Spirit DollMLP Lemon Zest Equestria Girls Friendship Games School Spirit Doll
It has been a bit quiet these days with almost no news regarding the new Friendship Games Dolls. But today, 4 of the 12 School Spirit Dolls have appeared on Taobao. So far we've got Pinkie Pie and Rarity from Canterlot High and Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare who are from the Crystal Prep Academy. (This kinda helps me learn the names of the new dolls) Each doll also comes with the Zapcode Necklace.

We hope the others will soon appear on Taobao as well! We will keep you updated.

MLP Pinkie Pie Equestria Girls Friendship Games School Spirit DollMLP Rarity Equestria Girls Friendship Games School Spirit Doll


  1. Seriously, every time I hear/read 'Lemon Zest' I immediately think of incest. I'm such a pervert...

  2. I personally don't care for the School Spirit Lemon Zest doll, mostly because of her weird eyes and the fact that her hair is mostly green instead of yellow and green.
    I do like Sunny Daze-I mean, Sunny Flare though.

    1. The second version of her School Spirit doll got the hair with thick yellow streaks tho.

  3. I definitely want lemon zest and sunny flare they look very cool!❤ love the color scheme!!!!

  4. I want them all but what I can't wait for is Sunset Shimmer

  5. I am 10 and I love getting EQG dolls, but I dont think I want Lemon Zest and Sunny Flare and I dont like the fact that the dolls have about 100 eylashes now. I still want AJ,Rarity,Pinkie Pie,and Fluttershy.

  6. I'm thinking Sunny Flare is the Sonata Dusk of the Shadowbolts. And Sour Sweet is Adagio Dazzle. And Lemon Zest is Aria Blaze. What do you think?

    1. Lemon Zest does not look anything like Aria Blaze.

  7. I made the costumes! Best line I have ever made, don't you agree?

  8. Hey guys, scan the images' necklaces, and you can get the characters on the EQ app!

