Rockin' Hairstyle Dolls Commercial
We've got a lot of mails on the Rockin' Hairtstyle Dolls today, but I was not sure whether the full set (came in two waves) was already released in the US, so see this post as a reminder :)
Anyway, remember the commercials we posted two days ago? Seems that Hasbro quickly followed up on the Rockin' Hairstyle dolls commercial that didn't show the actual dolls with a commercial that does (see below)!
Thanks to madamepomnews and jskr76 for the info!
And we've also added some listings to all the dolls in case you're looking for them:

(Note that Amazon gives free shipping at 2 dolls and Kmart at 3 dolls)
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Rockin' Hairstyle Applejack
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Rockin' Hairstyle Fluttershy
(Amazon) (Kmart)
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Rockin' Hairstyle Pinkie Pie
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Rockin' Hairstyle Rainbow Dash
(Amazon) (Kmart)
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Rockin' Hairstyle Rarity
Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks Rockin' Hairstyle Twilight Sparkle
(Amazon) (Kmart)


  1. On the subject of hair, I trimmed my Rainbow Dash doll's bangs today. They look nice. :)

  2. I already own fluttershy, but applejack looks great too.

  3. I want them all! They look soooooo cool!

  4. These were released AGES ago in the UK :P

  5. Note how Rarity's dress is like the one she tries on the practice scene(The one she puts on after she says"Im pretty fond of this one" or something)

    Anyways, I LOVE THIS SET!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Sgt. Rarity Diamonds Club Band. :D

  6. i want applejack and fluttershy so bad, this series of eg dolls are so pretty
