Today these new fake plushies have been spotted on Taobao, closely resembling the designs of Ty Beanie plushies. The plushies come in 4 colors, but all of them are alicorns with Pinkie Pie's cutie mark. The quality seems a bit low, especially when we look at the orange one. All of them have short curly hair (which doesn't really fit) in either brown or pink. According to their listing they are 7 inches tall and they come with a tag that I'm not familiar with (possibly a fake Chinese brand tag).
Which color is your favourite? Let us know in the comments :)
why do these unicorns. Have pinkie pies cutie mark thats so unusual i wouldn't buy them unless there the real lincensed plushies 100 percent! !!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteyah i will not do it unles its the real deal