Rainbow Dash Rainbowfied BrushableFluttershy Rainbowfied Brushable

I found these on Taobao but I know they are already in some stores right now. But it's always nice to see some High Quality images of the Ponies in their actual packaging. Too bad the Taobao seller has put a really large sticker on the back of their packaging. But it's says "Neon Rainbow Hair and Decorations"

Below the cut we have some more pictures! Now we have to wait for the newly announced ones (Sweetie Drops, Sunset Shimmer etc), we saw already some during the SDCC this year, but we keep waiting for better pictures! :)

Pinkie Pie Rainbowfied Brushable

Fluttershy Rainbowfied Brushable Backcard


  1. I've also seen a rainbowfied Cheerilee at Tescos!

  2. I work for a company called Safari Island who trade on eBay and Amazon and their own website, I work in the warehouse and they have had this wave from the rainbow power series in today but may not appear on their web site for a day or two.

    1. Cool! Any other new merch in the warehouse? ;)

