Daring Do Books Set
Daring Do Books
A few months ago we posted about the upcoming Daring Do Books. At that time we didn't had a picture yet and a release date. Until now! Above you can see the final product. The product will come with a treasure chest, 3 books, a bookcase (brown book with golden horseshoe) and a golden Daring Do Blind Bag. Not bad!

The price will be $75 for everything you see here, and it will be released on 7 October 2014. You can find the Amazon listing here.

Thanks to Equestria Daily for the heads up!


  1. I hope they eventually sell the books without all the bling. $75 is a bit steep.

  2. So glad I pre-ordered these when they were still up for about $50.

  3. i want this but it is too pricey :(
